Schedule A Free Consult With One of Our Attorneys


At NLG Divorce & Family Law, we want to help you get through this difficult time as easily as possible. We offer services in a variety of family law matters for both married and unmarried couples. Our services include: 

  • Divorce Litigation: This is the most common route couples take when they cannot agree on major issues. Florida has slightly nonstandard divorce laws in that there is no established “primary caregiver” and no “visitation” periods. Instead, Florida law emphasizes the unique contribution each parent will make to the child’s development. We will help you navigate the process of creating a Parenting Plan and establishing alimony and child support payments.
  • Paternity: When a couple was never married but had children together, child support and visitation arrangements can be made just as in a marriage. Usually, the biggest difference between a divorce and a paternity case is determining who the child’s father is. This, however, is usually not an issue.
  • Post-Divorce Modification: In the case of a major lifestyle shift, like a new job or significant financial burden, either party can file for an adjustment to the payment and time-sharing plans. A lawyer can help you understand what you can and cannot use as grounds for modification and can help you request a reasonable new plan.
  • Domestic Violence: Divorces in which domestic abuse is involved are often the most difficult and painful to go through – and the most necessary. If you think you may be a victim of abuse or have been accused of abuse, please call us immediately to discuss your situation. We can help.
  • Mediation: If a couple agrees on most major issues, a divorce can usually be settled through mediation. This is a simple process in which the mediator sets up a basic contract for you and your partner to sign. Both parties can make amendments to the contract. Once you and your spouse agree on the terms, you’ll both sign the agreement, the mediator will file the paperwork. Mediation is the quickest way to divorce. Mr. Nelson is a certified mediator; to check availability click here.

Schedule a consult with one of our attorneys by calling (813) 350-7890


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