


Are you paying or receiving alimony?

Paying Alimony

If you are paying alimony: Has your ex found a new significant other? Does your ex receive financial support from their new significant other? Are your ex and their new significant other acting like a married couple but not actually getting married? Did you ex re-marry and is still taking money from you? Is your ex now working or making more money than they did when you got divorced? Is your ex posting photos of extravagant vacations on social media? Are you approaching retirement age (currently 65 in family law)? Are you making less money through no fault of your own? Are you working just to support your ex leaving no money for you or your family after paying alimony?

If your answer to any of the questions is yes, you may be entitled to completely eliminate or modify your alimony payment. Call Tampa Divorce today. Our team will review your existing court order and explore your situation to determine whether you are overpaying or should not be paying at all. We will give you an honest, sometimes brutally honest, assessment of your situation and give you the information needed to make an informed decision. We are here to help.

Receiving Alimony

If you are receiving alimony: have your expenses increased due to inflation or other life circumstances? Are you earning less money than you did when you were divorced through no fault of your own? Did you ex originally say they could not afford to pay more, but they are clearing earning more now? Did your ex lie about their income during the divorce? Do you need more alimony just to make ends meet?

If your answer to any of these questions is yes, you may be entitled to modify alimony and receive more alimony. Call Tampa Divorce today. Our team will review your existing court order and explore your situation to determine whether you are overpaying or should not be paying at all. We will give you an honest, sometimes brutally honest, assessment of your situation and give you the information needed to make an informed decision. We are here to help.

Parenting Plan/Custody

Situations change and parenting plans or custody needs to change as well. Modifying a parenting plan or custody arrangement is difficult. At Tampa Divorce, we understand the elements that must be proven to the Court to change custody or modify the parenting plan.

Did your ex move away and can no longer get the children to school? Does your ex have your children calling their new significant other mom or dad? Is your ex trying to completely eliminate your time with your own children? Do you want to see your children more?

At Tampa Divorce, we can help determine if you are eligible for more time with your children. Your children deserve to have you in their life. We are here to help.

Child Support

Has your ex’s income substantially increased or your income substantially decreased?  Is your ex supposed to have more time with the children but doesn’t actually follow it leaving you with increased financial responsibility for your children?  Is your ex asking you to pay more child support even though you cannot afford it?  Did the cost of your children’s insurance go up and child support does not cover it anymore?  Is your ex refusing to work and wants more money from you?

If so, you may be entitled to a modification of child support.  For a modification of child support, we will need to demonstrate that child support, if modified, will change by 15% or $50, whichever is greater.  Call Tampa Divorce today to see if you are eligible to modify child support.  Your children deserve to be financially supported by both parents, but not so much that it unfairly burdens one parent.  We are here to help.


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